Islamic tolerance for December 25

Dec 25Christmas is definitely not a celebration of the Muslims, and Muslims should not be concerned with it. But obviously nothing to do with Muslims remember most than we are also in touch with our neighbors who celebrate it. Therefore be it is important we discuss how the Islamic view of Christmas and tolerance around him and us in it.
As we know, December 25, is not the birth of Jesus the Messiah (Jesus the Messiah). Although the Catholic Church think so. Continue reading

6 Habits That Make You Bankrupt

New on the 12th of this month, but your account balance is approaching zero. Where your money gone? You probably already spend so much money, but you are not aware of.Because, you’re not spending anything important. You are not just paying insurance premiums, pay the money to school children, or pay for car service. You just window shopping or flipping through the online shopping site. Wow … turns out this is the source of the problem.
Since it is an everyday activity, window shopping is no longer regarded as a source of expenditure. There are still some other things that you often do, and it makes a quick paycheck shrink. Continue reading